Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm alright, I'm alright . . .

. . . to quote Uncle Billy from It's a Wonderful Life. Sorry if I've fallen behind in my blogging. There have been too many chores to get caught up with my life on the other side of the Great Unpleasantness (which is what I've decided to call the theft in Cairo). I'm going to spend a portion of today getting caught up for my two readers (grin). I'll be borrowing from my soon to be finished school blog, and adding some pictures (which makes this a great improvement over the school blog - which, oddly, we paid a lot of money to establish). Still waiting for credit cards, but Worldwide Assistance, a company that we use at Champlain, was able to forward me $1000 (which is 700 Jordanian Dinars) so at least I can grab a schwarma on the street.

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