Saturday, June 27, 2009

On the Train Again

This is an odd little section of this trip in that I am going to be on trains a lot, as I hop around between, mainly, Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest, which is fine because the European train system is so fantastic. I just finished several days at a conference in Ruzemberok, Slovakia, as well as visiting the Catholic University there. First off, I can say without hesitation that it is the best I have ever been treated at a conference - they were fantastic - including devoting all of the weekend after the conclusion of the conference driving the featured speakers around Slovakia on a tour. I will try and post some pictures later. Last night my new friends Janka, Katarina and Nora took a break from the touring to drive me over to Poprot (including taking a detour into Poland so that I could enter it into my list of countries visit) to put me on a sleeper train. I took the sleeper train to Bratislava, where I switched trains and I'm on my way to Vienna, and then I'll switch trains again and head down to Klagenfurt in southern Austria.

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