Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Byblos Sunset
I guess after that last depressing post I needed to put up something a little happier before getting back to work. Well, maybe posting pictures of the ravaged Holiday Inn is not really that depressing. Maybe, as my good friend Sandy would propose, it is really a story of redemption (although he will usually follow that up by opining that it always ends in tears). For all of the horror Beirut is still standing, and I am really looking forward to getting back for a longer visit. Here is a picture that I took as the sun was going down in Byblos, which is a lovely spot about forty kilometers north of downtown Beirut. I'll have a lot more to say about it later. At this point I just wanted to post this picture, which may be the nicest one I've ever taken. Of course, the sun was going down over a beautiful little Mediterranean harbor, so it would have taken some effort to muck that up. Still, as I sat out on the end the dock watching the sun disappear in the west, it was about as serene a moment as I can ever recall.
You my friend could find a serene moment any where in the world, even outside of Beirut. That is why you are such a good traveller.