Friday, December 16, 2011

Vermont Bound

We've reached, if not the end of the semester (Zayed will have three more weeks of school after we get back), at least the holiday break. I've had a wonderful time here, but I'm also anxious to get back to Vermont for a couple weeks. I'll be taking off tomorrow morning - 3:30 a.m. (yikes) - on Turkish Air with a layover in Istanbul, which I've turned into a three day visit. On the 20th I'll be heading back to the frozen tundra of Vermont. Actually, I don't think it is particularly frozen at the moment, but since I've been here for four months and haven't seen any rain at all and the low temperatures here have plummeted into the lower 60's, I'm sure Vermont will seem like a winter wonderland by comparison. Today is dedicated to packing, Turkey research, laundry, working out and general lounging about. It will be great to see my friends, and doubtless many chicken wings will be consumed and darts will be thrown.

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