Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fashion Finals

We're just in the midst of finals week here at Zayed and I've been pinch-hitting to proctor (or invigilate, as we display our British influence here) exams.  Whenever I think of proctoring exams here at Zayed I will always think of the incredible pile of ridiculously expensive handbags that end up in a pile at the front of the room during the female exams.  We have several rules that we always follow during exams.  One of the biggest, naturally enough, is to take out your mobile phones, turn them off, and pile them on the desk.  For Emiratis that usually means three phones: a regular phone for chatting, an iPhone for surfing the net, and a Blackberry for texting.  I should laugh, but since I also have three phones I'll have to keep quiet.  One of the other rules is that the female students have to leave their handbags in the front of the room, which is a sad place for bags that would fit in very nice in The Devil Wears Prada.  That said, the girls, although most of them are amazing fashionistas, do so with surprising good will.  They even smile when I announce the handbag sale that I'll be organizing at the end of the final.

And doubtless I've driven cars that didn't cost so much - and probably had less space.

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