Monday, July 9, 2012

Caffe History Club

Back home I have a running debate with my friends over the identity of the best academic discipline.  While they make compelling arguments and I respect them and deeply appreciate their brilliant scholarship, heartfelt collegiality and dependable friendship, they are, of course, completely wrong.  History is the uber-discipline, and all the others are amusing little sub-disciplines.  The picture below, clearly, settles the argument once and for all.  I stopped at the Caffe History Club in Zagreb for a delicious and frosty Ozujsko, a Croatian adult beverage, and enjoyed the intellectual banter.  I passed the Caffe Anthropology Club, the Caffe Economics Club, the Caffe Sociology Club, the Caffe Political Science Club, the Caffe Literature Club, the Caffe Folklore Club and the Caffe Biology Club, all of which were sadly, and rightly, boarded up.  The Caffe Philosophy Club was open, although I think only for lunch - however, and appropriately, its bar was well-stocked.  I saw only two figures in the Caffe Philosophy Club, who looked suspiciously like David Kite and Alfonso Capone, alternately discussing the duality of good and evil and their recently completed squah match (which were somehow related), before eventually ordering another round.

The heart of Zagreb's entertainment and intellectual universe.

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