Sunday, October 30, 2016

This Year's Self-Portrait

I've become a big believer in modeling academic behavior for students (I think we can all agree that no one should ever copy my moral behavior).  In my COR 110, Concepts of the Self, class I create my own self-portrait, and deliver a corresponding presentation, so that the students can get a glimpse into how to approach the assignment.  Similarly, I do my own version of the Velazquez-Picasso project from COR 220, Aesthetic Expressions, for my sophomores.  I'm presenting my version of the self-portrait this week, so I had to finish my work and presentation.  Thankfully my office mate and friend Patricia brought her I-Phone, which allowed me to follow through with my vision.  I always tell the students to focus on one thing in their self-portrait, and this year I focused on my maddening propensity to fade away.  As my father often opined, I was never all there at any one time.  So, I wanted to create something that was an homage to some of the work of Anne Harris, who I really love.  Obviously, mine is dreadful, but at least it's appropriately unsettling for Halloween week.

This is Anne Harris's Self-Portrait (with Jane's Eyes), which I think is amazing.

This is Gary Scudder's Self-Portrait (with English Eyes), which is pretty dreadful, but hopefully inspires the students to dig deeper.

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