Monday, January 9, 2017

Love from Students

As is often pointed out, for a person with such a fearsome reputation for intellectually and emotionally brutalizing his students I'm also remarkably close with them.  This shows up in all sorts of ways, often in the fact that they feel completely comfortable with giving me grief.  Here's a picture my ex-student Emma sent me from her recent visit to the Museum of Modern Art.  I don't know whether she's commenting on Gauguin or on me or on my love of Gauguin. No matter what, I will take it as an odd compliment.

This is the same Emma who caused a security shutdown in the Frankfort airport with a rainbow unicorn and whose idiotic decision to change her contacts at the beach left us hanging out in a doctor's office in Zanzibar as her scratched cornea was looked after, so take her commentary on art with a grain of salt.

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