Friday, February 17, 2017

Zanzibar Again? and again

Sometimes I reflect upon the words of my wonderful friend Sarah Cohen, who one time opined (delivering the lines with a mixture of affection and exasperation), "You know who has your life?  No one has your life!"  I don't think my life is as dramatic as she suggests, but I have been very fortunate (although, I will add that I can't remember too many times when anyone actually just handed me something; it may pain me to admit this, but I've worked really hard - although, as my friend Debi would propose, my marginal success is mainly based on being tall).  I mention this simply because I'm heading back to Zanzibar again - and then again.  We're currently interviewing students for a unique year-long interdisciplinary class that we've cooked up, which will include a two week trip to Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar (including Pemba) during our winter break.  Last year's trip was so amazing that we decided to just blow it up - if one class was fantastic, then why not two?  If one week was extraordinary, why not two?  The logic seems essentially flawless.  By way of prep we're heading back in May for a week, which we're in the middle of planning.  So, by next January I'll be strolling around Stone Town for a fourth time, which doesn't even make sense.

I may be crazy, but I have this suspicion that the beach in Zanzibar will be more pleasant in January than the shore of Lake Champlain in Vermont.

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