Friday, March 10, 2017

Light from No Light

As we all know, very few people take fewer pictures of note than me (which made me winning the college's international photo contest last year more than a bit inexplicable, beyond the fact that I've traveled an ungodly amount and thus, through sheer dumb luck I would take a good shot - or, my own personal theory, that the award was based on pity).  However, it was really difficult to be in Iceland in early January and not take some great pictures, which I'm way behind on posting.  I think the reason why I took so many good pictures on the trip was simply because there was so little light; it was perpetually in that half-twilight world where you can't take a bad picture.  Nothing can be washed out, and everything was bathed in a tender soft light.

This was around 11:00 a.m., when the sun was finally thinking about rallying for the day, before giving up an exhaustion a couple hours later.   This was the beginning of an absolutely amazing day, which I'll have a lot more to say about later.

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