Tuesday, October 3, 2017


OK, so I shamelessly swiped this picture off of Facebook.  I broke one of my cardinal rules and hopped back on Facebook to set up a private page for the parents of the students heading to Zanzibar in January (and another one soon for the parents of the students heading to Jordan in March).  As soon as I got back on a hundred people Liked it and several asked if I was planning on staying (as in real life, I'm infamous for disappearing from FB).  I said no, but here's my email address if you want to chat.  Facebook annoys me no end and I devote my attention to Twitter and, obviously, to this long-suffering blog.  That said, when I checked in the other day to see if any of the parents had questions I saw this painfully cute picture of my friend Katya, also known by her full name Ekaterina Talalakina, who I met years ago when I ran my international program here at Champlain.  I visited her twice in Moscow, and she led a group of students on a visit to Vermont. 

There are a lot of things that I miss about running my Global Modules program, and, although it may sound hackneyed, it's doubtless friend like Katya I miss the most.

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