Thursday, November 2, 2017

Petra By Night

Our itinerary for March's student trip to Jordan is set (for the most part) and we've included Petra By Night.  I've been blessed to walk through the incredible siq at Petra six or seven times, and if you've lived your life in such a way that you're not certain how many times you've walked through the siq you've led a pretty lucky existence. When we brought students three years ago we enjoyed a first: Petra By Night.  The siq is lighted with candles, and the ground in front of the Treasury is also decorated with lights, giving an eerie glow to the ancient structure.  While you sit there people sing Arabic songs out of sight in the darkness.  Yes, it's touristy (and, unfortunately, it seems every time I return to Petra it gets a little more touristy, but times are tough in Jordan so I do not begrudge them) but it is still pretty magical, and Cyndi and I are very happy to take them to Petra, including two different trips, during the day and the night, through the siq.

For some reason this the only picture I can find, so I need to do some more investigative working to figure out my often Byzantine nomenclature for hiding files in folders.  The picture, sadly, is a bit blurry, but the memory is pristine.

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