Sunday, March 4, 2018

Journey Through the Past: South Africa

I know that this is the age of selfies, but I try and avoid posting many pictures of myself.  The most obvious reason is that I was never good looking even when I was good looking, but especially now with the ravages of time I've reached the point of being decidedly horrific looking.  Nevertheless, an occasional interesting shot pops up.  I've been looking at pictures a lot lately - not only as an attempt to organize the thousands of pictures I have floating around, but also to organize my life - and I came across this one.  It was snapped by my South African friend Zanetta, although I'd have to go back and look at my journal or this blog to figure out the year.  2010 or 2011? Or something like that.  It's one of the few pictures that exist of me without a beard.  I wasn't exactly a beardless youth, but I was at least beardless.  It's funny how much of my life has passed through Africa over the last decade or so, and it definitely makes you think about roads not taken.

I think we were at the Cradle of Humanity, and you can provide your own metaphor.  It was a lovely time.

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