Sunday, February 10, 2019

Missing Zanzibar

Although I've visited Zanzibar five times, and will doubtless go there again repeatedly in the future, it's not my favorite overseas location.  Truthfully, I'm far more excited about heading back to Jordan next November than I ever am before I head to Zanzibar.  That doesn't mean that I don't love it there, but there are places that simply speak to me more emotionally.  In a month I'll be back in India, and it's a place that would make the list of places that I like more than Zanzibar. Still, I've been back from our latest trip to Zanzibar and I definitely miss it, for any number of reasons that I've discussed previously. Today I'm mainly wishing that I were plopped down in Lukmaan's having lunch, not simply because the food is great but also because the pace and energy and a sense of what's really important.  Here in the US we waste so much time chasing down foolish materialistic goals, and it's left us sad and dissatisfied and spiritually bankrupt.

I can't believe that I wouldn't be having a happier Sunday if it were highlighted by a dish of octopus curry.

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