Saturday, April 20, 2019

Janela da Atalaia

This is the answer to a question posed by Elijah, a graduating senior who may or may not have ever visited this establishment, and Mike, a professor who may or may not have ever visited this establishment, from me, who may or may not have ever visited this establishment, to the question of: what was the name of that bar at the end of that side street in Lisbon, the one run by Fred and which featured the Aba Aba, the drink consisting of absinthe, egg white and cucumber? I wish I could say that I remembered the name of said establishment, but I had to reach out to the good folks at the WLFT Hostel in Lisbon for the answer.  I have no pictures to post of said establishment because none of us were ever there, and I don't think it actually exists, if we were there, which we weren't.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

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