Saturday, April 6, 2019

Me Winning Would Warrant Cryptozoological Study

And yet another picture of me.  Wow, I'm even more self-absorbed than I thought (which is really saying something).  Once again, I blame my friends for snapping good/funny pictures of me.  In this case it was the truly excellent Kevin Andrews, who snapped this during the draft kicking off the 27th year of the Irrational League. To my right is friend Mike Bergman, who smugly looks like he's just realized that he's locked up another championship, whereas I look like I just figured out that the Houston Astros aren't actually in the National League anymore.

My International Cryptozoology Museum t-shirt is doing double duty: my team is the Pemba Popobawas and I'm wearing my Vermont Lake Monsters jersey (the authentic Diomedes Lopez one).

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