Sunday, May 26, 2019

CB and GS

The older I get I find that I post more and more personal pictures, as compared to pictures purely about travel or Proust or faith or whatever task I've set myself. It could well be that I've run out of things to say (as I rapidly approach 2000 blog posts) or, more likely, I just appreciate my friends more and more - and also deeply cherish a very rich life that I clearly don't deserve. Here's a picture of my most excellent friend, colleague and titular little sister, Cyndi, snapped at the amphitheater in Jerash in Jordan. I don't think I have anything profound to add, other than we both, typically, seem completely happy to be hanging out together. Next fall's trip to Jordan will be the fourth we've led together, and it's actually only four because on other possible trips she's run off on her own travel adventures. For example, she didn't go with me on the March trip to India because she was in the Galapagos with our friend and colleague Kathy. My initial plan was that the Thanksgiving Jordan trip was going to be my last one, and, of course, I couldn't imagine taking it with anyone else.

Like all little sisters she's wildly competitive with me, and, like all older brothers, I have a vague sense that she exists.

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