Thursday, May 23, 2019

India Crew 2019

In the past I haven't made enough of an effort to record the classes that I've brought overseas, other than many piecemeal pictures.  So, I'll try to do a better job, although I'm also cognizant of the fact that I'm much closer to the end of my travel course trips than the beginning. Anyway, here's a picture of the crew that I led over to India in March. They were part of a junior level COR 330 course entitled Dar al-Islam: India, and it focused on the Muslim experience in India, naturally. I don't think it was the best trip I ever led, but it was pretty damn close, and a lot of that relates to the fact that it included such a great group of students. Here we are in the requisite group shot in front of the Taj Mahal.

We drove them all of Hell and back and they never grumbled about anything.
On the ground: John
Sitting: Alex, Shelsea, Hattie, Anna, Nick
Standing: Ines, Ashley, Genevieve, Sally, Olivia, Santosh, Harry
Standing way back: Charlie, Kelly, some old guy

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