Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Vainglorious Bastards

It seems that I've been posting a lot (I'm inexplicably creeping up on 2000 posts, although over a ten year period) but I'm still desperately behind.  I can't believe I haven't posted this before.  Below is the official t-shirt of this last year's Zanzibar trip, produced by the most excellent Miranda Rodriguez.  According to her Wehmeyer and I were kibitzing in class and used the word vainglorious, which apparently she had never heard before. Say what you will about this generation of Champlain College students, but they are generally wickedly creative.  These were unveiled on in the JFK on the morning when we flew out.  I'm stunned that Cyndi Brandenburg or Kathy Seiler haven't stolen mine (as they did with the equally epic I Will End You kitty t-shirt that Craig Pepin gave me; as chronicled on this long-suffering blog).

Clearly, these are Shirts of Excellence.

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