Monday, July 22, 2019

What It Means - Day 126

Occasionally I just post pictures of mosques where I have prayed, and here's another one.  It's the King Abdullah Mosque in Amman, Jordan. It's funny to think that this was almost undoubtedly the first mosque I ever visited, remarkably fifteen years ago on my first visit to Jordan through the auspices of the State Department grant. At the time I certainly had no sense that I was ever going to convert to Islam, or any religion for that matter. I'm pretty certain that it's also the first overseas mosque that I ever prayed in, which happened on the previous Jordan trip. I "forgot" something inside and found some peace and quiet and time to myself. We'll be visiting the mosque once again this November on the upcoming Champlain College trip.

Most Muslim countries have one mosque set aside for non-Muslims to visit during non-prayer time and the King Abdullah Mosque is the one with that designation in Jordan. It also have an interesting series of displays, as well as a gift shop that takes credit cards if you're combining activities. It's right across the street from an equally large Christian church, will tells you everything you need to know about Jordan.

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