Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tailgating 2019

One of the foundation Events of Excellence in the Gentlemen of Excellence (GOE) calendar is the annual tailgating extravaganza at Middlebury College. As I've detailed previous, none of us actually work at Middlebury (other than John Stroup's wife) or attended Middlebury, but we show up there once very fall, usually on Senior Day, to tailgate. Often it's cold as hell - and once it was cold as hell and raining - but yesterday it was glorious. The Middlebury Panthers beat the Hamilton Continentals 14-7 to finish the season undefeated. While do don't hate Hamilton as much as we do Tufts (for no reason other than we decided one day that we hate them and everything they stand for, although none of us have ever visited Tufts nor do we know what they stand for, so you can measure the degree of our hatred) it was a happy result.

As always, the day featured culinary excellence from noted chef Kevin.

And, as always, it featured footfall commentary and political punditry from one Sanford.

People will sometimes ask me why I didn't accept job offers overseas, and it's complicated, but one of the biggest reasons I stayed is the incredibly rich collections of friends I have.

The days ended up, as is an age-old tradition, with frito pie, although in this case at Kevin's and not John's. We also had homemade cornbread and apple crisp. I'm still stuffed.

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