Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Journey Through the Past - A Different New Year's Eve

My brother Eric uncovered a treasure trove of pictures recently and shared some of them with me. Here's a couple pictures that I think were taken on New Year's Eve in 1977 passing into 1978. It seems that it was a skiing trip that a bunch of folks from my hometown went on up in Michigan. It would have been my senior year in high school and I recognize some of the folks, but sadly others I don't at all (which doubtless says something more bad about me than them).

That scrawny lad on the far left was me getting ready to turn eighteen. The scoundrel in front of the window in the back is Jack Schultz, who is still my great friend even today (I'll be seeing him in March for yet another fantasy baseball draft - and we're playing each other in our fantasy football league pity playoffs this week). My sister Lisa is in the center up front, marked by her classic gutter pipe curls.

The girl to my left is Dara, who was my girlfriend in high school. She clearly could have done better.

As my life seems to be in flux again I guess it's not that surprising that I'm reflecting on New Year's Eves past.

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