Sunday, December 8, 2019

What It Means - Day 265

"And be thou patient. Truly God neglects not the reward of the virtuous."
Quran 11:115

Here's another passage drawn from Hud. I don't know if I have anything particularly profound to add to it; I chose it because I find it quite beautiful. On one level it's yet another Quranic admonition to bear patiently the challenges we face. Lately I've been feeling very sad and discouraged and feeling that my life will never bring me the happiness I want, and not a happiness based on fame or academic achievement but rather a more simple desire just to come home at the end of the day. Now, in this case the second line of the passage doesn't apply because I'm not a particularly virtuous person (so, in that sense, maybe I deserve my unhappiness). Instead, I need the reminder that I need to be patient and to focus on the many gifts and blessings that I already have.

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