Friday, December 20, 2019

What It Means - Day 277

"Truly it is not the eyes that go blind, but it is hearts within breasts that go blind."
Quran 22:46

We're returning al-Hajj, the twenty-second surah, usually, not surprisingly, rendered as "The Pilgrimage." Nasr informs us:

"The blindness of hearts is alluded to throughout the Quran, in addition to deafness and dumbness. As discussed in the commentary on 2:7 and the introduction to Surah 47 and as exemplified in this verse, the heart is the seat of knowledge and the organ of spiritual understanding. This is further explicated in the hadith: 'In the body there is a lump of flesh; when it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and when it is rotten, the whole body is rotten. Yea, it is the heart.'" (p. 841)

We seem to be a nation whose heart is rotten. I can't believe there was ever a time when that has been more true, sadly. We want to blame Trump, obviously, and he is playing a huge role in making it worse, but he's also a symptom as well.

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