Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What It Means - Day 323

Once again I'm taking a mini-break from my discussion of surah 18 for a brief diversion. I was driving home from the gym yesterday and passed by the site of our new masjid, the former church we recently bought. The new sign had just been put up. and I really made me happy. So many brothers and sisters had been working on the interior, prepping it for the move, but there wasn't really much sign on the exterior that the upcoming change was taking place. I think I was so excited by the sign was it spoke to the energy and growth of our ummah, and our role in the faith community of Vermont. It wasn't that long ago that the community was tiny and used space on the Saint Michael's College campus.

We're right next door to a synagogue and around the corner from a church. We're also only around a block away from Veterans Memorial Park.

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