Thursday, February 27, 2020

What It Means - Day 346

"And We have enjoined man concerning his parents - his mother bore him, weakness upon weakness, and his weaning was two years - give thanks unto Me and unto thy parents. Unto Me is the Journey's end."
Quran 31:14

We're continuing our trek through the 31st surah, Luqman. As you know by now, I seem to always be drawn to passages in the Quran which provide a practical code of conduct. As I've said, it's not as if I don't love the more profound or metaphysical sections, but in the end we can only control what we can control. We'll never understand God, but we can understand what we do on a daily basis (or at least we can occasionally understand what we do). The passage above expresses one of the most basic admonitions of Islam, reverence for one's parents. I just love the line: "his mother bore him, weakness upon weakness . . ." It's been several years since my mother passed, and, as I've said several times in other contexts, I simply wish I had been a better son to her.

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