Saturday, February 13, 2021


 Today my material grandmother, Maude Scudder, would have been 106 years old. My aunt Connie was kind enough to send along some pictures. Lately I've become interested in knowing more about the Evans side of the family (the inspiration for my middle name). My father always stressed the Scudder side of things, but I've always felt that I was a lot closer in nature and personality to Maude than to her husband Herbert (Jum), although he was a sainted figure that I loved dearly (which is probably why I don't see myself in him), or my own father or mother. Obvious similarities: we were both more gray and deaf than we were comfortable with; both more smart than was good for us; and were both more snarky and willing to say anything than the world was comfortable with. Connie also sent me some other info about the Evans side of things, which I'm going to post when I get it organized.

I don't remember her being this vivacious. She was in poor health for as long as I could remember. Like her, I've become a lip reader and fairly adept at providing the laugh that seems appropriate even though I didn't really hear the comments.

Maude's high school gradation picture. I think she had straight A+s throughout her entire academic career, but growing up in a different age and in southern Indiana she never had the chance to go any further. I don't think anybody took more pride in me pursuing a Ph.D. than her.

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