Saturday, April 24, 2021

Cold Currents

 I have nothing profound to add here, other than my mind has been filled with memories of travel lately. Obviously, that's true most of the time, but as the Great Isolation drags on my wanderlust is settling in as an almost tangible ache. The other day I was thinking about the morning of my last day full day in Swakopmund when I went for a long walk on the beach. It was a cloudy, brisk day, exactly not the type of day you'd expect in a country that most people would equate with the desert. It was such a pleasure to make it to the coastline, and thus see a very different vision of Namibia.

As we've discussed, although the interior of Namibia is awfully hot, the coastline is cooled by a current that flows up from the Antarctic, which leads to some oddly cool days, especially since I was there in high summer.

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