Thursday, April 8, 2021

Jordan Reunion

I had a very pleasant surprise yesterday. Klinger's, who I've always liked (I'd think of how many Key Lime pies I've bought there over the years), became my go-to place to meet during coffee during the pandemic. Not only do they have great coffee and treats, but outdoor tables which are spread far apart and never seem to be full. Yesterday I already had back to back meetings set up, talking to my friend Cindy about her novel class for the fall and helping my former student and friend Ines schedule for fall graduate classes at UVM. Out of the blue a mystery woman walked up - everyone is  mystery in the age of pandemic masks - and it turned out to be Kally, another former student and veteran of one of the Jordan trips. She was driving by and saw Ines and I sitting outside, so she swerved in and we had a great time.

It quickly turned into a Jordan reunion. I mentioned that the college is very unofficially discussing the possibility of alumni trips, and, of course, they were all over the idea.

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