Monday, May 3, 2021


 Last night was a very wonderful Iftar. As we've discussed, several of my non-Muslim friends compete with each other to supply me meals or even host me for Iftar. My most excellent friend, colleague, and travelling companion (and titular little sister) Cyndi being one of the most persistent. Last night she invited three of our favorite students from the Jordan trips: Ines, Liza, and Holly. The pandemic has been rough for so many reasons, but also because we haven't been able to see our students. The other day I ran into my student Lanie when she was dropping off donations at the Food Shelf, and we talked about the fact that we hadn't seen each other face to face since we dispersed at Aiken Hall the night we returned from India. With that in mind, it was so wonderful to see these mishkelgee last night.

Holly, Liza, Ines. All completely kickass, and all heading off to graduate school in the fall. I couldn't be prouder of them.

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