Monday, June 7, 2021

Crete, Indiana

 More snippets from my recent trip back to the Midwest to see my people: a drive through Crete, Indiana. Why? I stumbled across the fact that Jim Jones, of Jonestown massacre infamy, was actually born in Crete, Indiana, a small town close to the border with Ohio. So, I took a long diversion as I drove from my brother's house in Indianapolis to my father's in Lawrenceburg. The picture is a little misleading because there are actual several houses in the sleepy town center of Crete. It's fairly close to the highest point in Indiana, which is 1257 feet above sea level. All of this makes sense, somehow, I just haven't figured out why yet.

It's hard to connect the dots between Crete, Indiana and Jonestown - or maybe it's not.

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