Sunday, September 5, 2021


 It occurred to me that I've never posted a picture of Pedro (that is, Peter, everybody calls him Pedro) who runs the South Burlington Food Shelf.  As I've discussed, I was drawn into the FS, not reluctantly, but with a sense that I was busy and I was only going to play a limited role. And then one day became two days which became three days - and sometimes four (and we're only open three) - and the Advisory Board, and, oh, here's your own key, and . . . Of course, it is a complete joy, and, as my friend Steve and I were discussing yesterday, the FS kept us sane (or nearly sane) throughout the pandemic. Part of the allure is certainly service to the greater community, but I'd be lying if I failed to point out how fun Pedro makes the experience, through Trivia Night (he comes up with all the trivia questions) on Thursday through the final mad rush on Saturday morning. 

Here we are enjoying a lovely afternoon at the St. John's Club.

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