Monday, October 25, 2021

Meditations #25

 Your own mind, the Mind of the universe, your neighbour's mind - be prompt to explore them all. Your own, so that you may shape it to justice; the universe, that you may recollect what it is you are a part of; your neighbour's, that you may understand whether it is informed by ignorance or knowledge, and also may recognize that it is kind to your own.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book Nine

As usual, MA is sharing some truth. Of course you should start with your own mind; as he tells us many times, always start with yourself first when you consider the deeper meaning of anything. If you start with yourself and make your primary goal one of justice then most of the wrongs that you impose on others will be eliminated. And isn't that the key? Start with living a just life, as compared to imposing justice on others. That said, always remember the role that you play in the larger whole, the universe, and never lose sight of the part that you play, and, well, try and remember what a small part you play. And only at the end turn your attention to your neighbors. How many of us start there, making our life one of comparison and envy, as comparted to considering their actions in regards to the simple question of ignorance and knowledge, and moving forward from there.

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