Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Heritage Boots

 On my recent trip to Austin I was looking at the schedule at the auditorium where Austin City Limits is filmed and saw that Gaelic Storm was coming soon. I snapped a picture and sent it to my friend Steve, who is one of the founding members (before leaving to get his PhD). Steve got right back to me and told me that while I was in Austin I should track down Heritage Boots, which was founded by another member of the band. Of course, I nodded my head and paid no attention to it, until, as Jack and I were roaming around one day, I looked down a side street and saw the sign for Heritage Boots. Sometimes life is exactly like a Dickens novel. As it turns out Steve's friend wasn't there, but his wife was, which was a lovely surprise. It gave us a chance to swap Wehmeyer stories. I told her that we used the Wehmeyer as a verb for not answering email, and even Steve will say, "Yeah, I Wehmeyered the shit out of that email." She told me that the band still refers to a group full of loud chatty people as a "room full of Wehmeyers."

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