Sunday, July 31, 2022


 On the trip I was able to spend some time with my Aunt Connie, which inevitably (and happily) always leads to various and sundry members of her side of the family showing up. They all live pretty close. It was wonderful to see her, and I wish we lived closer. Sadly, my Portugal souvenir for her is still locked up in my still-missing suitcase.

A nice shot of my Aunt Connie and, to her left, my cousin Nick. On the other side of the family is Amy, Pat's wife (he was working, but we did get to face time), and her kids Andrew and Lucy.

My Aunt Connie, my source for Rising Sun swag. She read that one of my Rising Sun t-shirts was in the missing suitcase, so, naturally, she drove over to RS to pick up replacements.

Yes, more Rising Sun swag, which should last me until I pass out of this realm of pain, or foolishly leave them in a suitcase . . .

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