Friday, January 27, 2023


 One of the things that Cyndi and Steve and I often remark upon, quietly and privately, is how few students actually say thank you after the endless work of designing, constructing, and leading one of our student trips. I mean, seriously, it's a very small percentage who show any appreciation, even a grunting thank you. It's their generation, but also a broader societal, cultural foolish notion of promoting education as if its a business, and thus our students are customers, and the customers are always right, so of course they shouldn't be expected to show any appreciation for our "basic" services.

That said, there are definitely students who are extraordinarily appreciative and thankful. Here's a gift that my excellent student Addie, and her parents, sent me after the fall's trip to Jordan. As we'd say in the Midwest: they're good people.

I mean, seriously, a Portuguese cookbook!! The thing is, it wasn't a trip to Portugal, so obviously the students were listening when I reflected on my love for the country (second only to Jordan).

And to top it off, what a lovely note. We certainly don't run these trips for recognition, but it is deeply appreciated when it shows up.

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