Thursday, May 23, 2024

And Another Student Trip - Why Not Portugal?

 And why not Portugal, indeed? One of the problems with my March 2023 trip to Jordan was that it was only my twelfth student overseas trips. Given my proclivity for prime numbers I should have stopped after the eleventh trip. This means I have to run a thirteenth trip, and if I go beyond that then it means I'll have to keep running them until I've hit seventeen. Or nineteen, I guess. I'll never live long enough to get to a twenty-third trip. And one I decided that I wanted to run another one - and, after some deep soul-searching, determined that I do think I can pull it off physically - then where do I want to go? There's no place I love more than Jordan, obviously, but considering the situation in the Middle East at the moment I can't imagine I'd be able to convinced enough students, let alone the college, to sign off on that one. I love India, but I refuse to go back there while Modi is in charge. I can't actually vote in India, but I guess I can vote economically, and I simply won't support an India under his control. Zanzibar is always a possibility, but those are always difficult challenges to put together. And then I thought of Portugal - well, obviously, I'm always thinking about Portugal. So, thought of a cool Portugal trip centered around Fernando Pessoa and I've begun to do the planning. And if I get tired, well, there's always a cafe waiting for me . . .

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