Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 With all of the health issues I've been fighting over the last three or four years, I guess it was inevitable that I'd end up with a minor heart scare. I've had some tightness in my chest and a little shortness of breath, but so far the tests aren't showing much of anything. I'm waiting to hear the results of an echocardiogram I had the other day, but I really don't feel too bad at all. I am, as my doctor will attest, the King of Imprecise Symptoms, so I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up that they'll tell me anything specific. I'm also waiting to hear from the Mayo Clinic to see if they'll see me in regards to my mysterious leg ailments. So, this might be an eventful week on the health front.

Killing time in the UVM hospital ER, what a way to spend six hours the day before Janet and I were supposed to fly down to Virginia to see her brother's new place (happily, we were able to make the trip, and we had a great time).

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