Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025 Readings 9

 OK, so this one is completely silly, but, as a historian I feel the need to provide, as much as possible, a realistic historical portrayal of my readings for 2025. Plus, I should be honest: I don't only read books by/about Fernando Pessoa and Marcel Proust and about religion or death. This morning I finished Rachel Quinney's Cryptids, Creatures & Critters. Beyond my obvious love of cryptids I mainly bought this book as part of creating a storehouse of cryptozoological-related swag to send to Andy Burkhardt. In the Twin Peaks Football League there are  certain matchups which have a theme. My regular season game with Cyndi Brandenburg's Mojo Nixons is the Fried Chicken Bowl, while the game with Katheryn Wright's Colchester Hep Aliens is the Key Lime Pie Bowl. In both instances the loser must provide the winner with either fried chicken or key lime pie. This year we've added the Cryptozoology Bowl between the Springfield Buffalo and Andy Burkhardt's Shackleton Shockers, with the loser providing the winner with some sort of cryptozoological swag (Andy received a t-shirt from the Mothman Museum this year). so, I was in a store the other day and saw Quinney's book, so I purchased with it the intention of setting it aside in my cryptozoology storehouse to send to Andy in future seasons. Of course, I picked it up and read it, and thus I am honor bound to record it here. It was fun and I was introduced to some cryptids that I had never heard of. Plus, it has this promotional quote - "A fantastic book with top-notch information and some of the best cryptid illustrations I have seen!!!" - from Jeff Wamsley, the owner of the Mothman Museum. Seriously, how could I not love it? I will miss it after next year's inevitable loss to the Shockers when it will be in the mail on the way to Michigan.

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