Wednesday, January 15, 2025

CFL Diva

 I suppose all of us have peculiarities that we throw money at, but how many of us can say that it's the CFL? Even my exes who ended up hating me said that at the very least I was very easy to shop for because I had so many things that I was passionate about. With that in mind, maybe the CFL is just the latest in a long line of odd fascinations on my part. That said, I've never really been interested in spending money on them. I've always been happy to spend money on the folks in my life, but more than hesitant to spend money on myself. Maybe I'm just getting old and hence more willing to give into my desires (the less happiness we have on a daily basis may make us more willing to madly chase short term adventures - and I guess I owe the blog a post on my recent trip to the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, West Virginia).Having said all that, it's hard to not love the CFL. They're the absolute underdog on the North American football landscape, and I'd simply quite happy to throw money their way as compared to those assholes in the NFL. Plus, unlike the Minnesota Vikings, no CFL team has ever broken my heart.

My Christmas present from Janet. Inshallah, after visiting all of the Eastern Division teams (three of the four more than once) I'm hoping to head the the Western Division this summer. The goal is a Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Saskatchewan Roughriders doubleheader. I'm just waiting for the CFL schedule to drop so that I can begin planning.

According to the esteem Mike Kelly, this is the sweetest jersey so far. Sadly, I suspect that my friends' love for the CFL and for me will not extend beyond the Eastern Division and that I'll be making these future trips on my own.

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