Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Sixty-Five and Beyond

 I don't know why I like this picture, because I don't think that any part of it is actually in focus. On last year's spring break trip to Portugal (now nearly a year removed, sadly) I was roaming around the church will still exists in the heart of the convent in Evora, even though it is now a hotel. I was snapping pictures with my camera, experimenting, largely unsuccessfully. However, today I came across this picture and for some reason it really speaks to me at this moment in time. Yesterday was my 65th birthday, and, obviously, while we say that a number is just a number, there are some numbers which just carry a greater weight. As I proposed to someone the other day, at 65 I'm just taking it semester by semester. There are still so many things I need to accomplish (finish a couple books) and things I want to accomplish (moving us to Evora or Coimbra in Portugal, and devoting my time to reading, working on Portuguese, and fulfilling my long-standing dream of being that mysterious ex-pat sitting at the corner of the cafe). However, there are so many obstacles, mainly health-related, both my own personal health and the financial health of Champlain, which make the future as blurry as the candle's flame in this picture. Still, I have so much to be thankful for. I stopped counting the endless birthday greetings yesterday (via email, text, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook, and the rare face to face greeting) around 200, although I did answer them are. The messages poured in from Australia, India, Russia, Zanzibar, the UAE, Jordan, Portugal, and even the very edge of civilization, Indiana - and they came from Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists - essentially, an embarrassment of riches. As my friend Marcelle proposed, "Clearly, you are loved." I don't know if that's completely true, although I certainly have more friends than my meagre virtues can justify.

And this just makes me want to go back to the Convento do Espinheiro. Janet and I have sworn off foreign travel (at least non-CFL related travel) until the summer of 2026 as part of what we refer to as The Plan, but I have trouble believing that she would be too angry if two tickets to Portugal magically showed up in her email inbox.

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