Friday, January 24, 2025

Your 2024 TPFL Champion

 Yesterday I answered a meeting request from the esteemed Katheryn Wright, and this was the result. In between Katheryn, Cyndi Brandenburg, Mike Lange, Mike Kelly, Jonathan Banfield, and, inexplicably, Kristin Wolf, I was encased in a cocoon of silly string. As Janet opined, "that's what you get for winning?" Obviously, this is much better than having to display the Horrendous Wixon Glass Clown on your desk for a year - or having to wear the Ridiculous Wixon My Little Pony Sweater in public (with photographic evidence) - so I'll happily accept the silly string assault. I suspected that something might have been up, which is why I wore my Toronto Argonauts sweatshirt as an homage to 2024 champions (obviously, none of my Vikings jerseys would have been useful).

It was the fourth title for the Springfield Buffalo, in five trips to the title game, in the last nine years of the Twin Peaks Football League, which all you need to know about how fantasy football is mainly dumb luck. The gesture from dear friends meant more than the title (or at least it's close).

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