Friday, August 9, 2024

CFL Doubleheader Excellence

 The plans have been made for some epic CFL Doubleheader Excellence in October. Kevin and I are driving west - and Andy and Heidi are driving east - and we're meeting in the middle. We're catching the Stampeders and Tiger-Cats game in Hamilton on Friday 18 October and then the REDBLACKS and Argonauts game in Toronto on Saturday 19 October. Noted betting expert Mike Kelly has set the Over/Under number of TimBits consumed over the weekend at 108. I'm betting Over for me alone.

A picture from our last trip to Hamilton, pre-COVID. Hopefully we can park in the same guy's front yard.

Closing In

A couple days ago I received this photo from the Boy. He's out in Colorado with a group of friends, celebrating his bachelor's party (the wedding is in a month!). This is the best kind of bachelor's party - off in the mountains with your friends.
I could not be happier for him - or prouder of him.