Sunday, February 23, 2020


It seems impossible, especially coming so hard on the heels of Jordan and Namibia, but I'm heading out of the country again in a week and a half. On Thursday 5 March I'll be leading seventeen students back to India, ably assisted by my excellent friend and colleague Steve. I think it's going to be another great trip, and I'm finally starting to get excited about it (the general disaster and spectacular cratering of my life has been more than a bit of a distraction, naturally). It's mainly the same itinerary, with a few important changes, of last year's trip. That one was a third year trip based on my Dar al-Islam: India class, while this one is a second year Sacred & Secular class. Essentially we're expanding our view and making an even greater effort to explore the religious diversity of India.

Our great friend Inder Singh has arranged for invitation to a puja (pooja) while we're in New Delhi, which should make for an extraordinary ending to an exhausting and amazing first day in India. I don't think the students will know what hit them.

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