Saturday, February 22, 2020

What It Means - Day 341

"Know that Allah does not answer supplication from a heedless heart and a distracted heart."
Muhammad, Hadith

I've talked recently about the complex history of the ahadith, the sayings of the Prophet, mainly in regards to the fact that some of them are clearly not, actually, savings of the Prophet. So, like everything else in life, we should not be lazy, uninformed consumers of information, sacred or secular, but that does not mean that we should then jump to the other side of the spectrum and assume that the original source, again sacred or secular, has no value. Often the adhadith contain material of such urgent, profound beauty that it is almost humbling to read, and I would argue that this one is a good example. We've talked many times this year (and we're down to less than twenty-five days) about the difficulty of getting into the "zone" to pray or meditate, to fight the monkey mind (as the Buddhists would say) that distract us from that quiet, still place where we need to be to pray or meditate. Even if you simply consider wudu a metaphor, it is still a necessary metaphor of an essential process.

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