Monday, March 2, 2020

What It Means - Day 350

"'And be moderate in thy pace and lower thy voice. Truly the vilest of voices are those of asses.'"
Quran 31:19

Another simple yet profound admonition from Luqman to his son, as found in the 31st surah. In many ways this is a continuation of the discussion of modesty and humility. On one hand this is a general admonition relating to any speech, but, even more I would argue, it's about our response to God and how we express it to others. I suppose if you're truly in the spirit it is difficult to speak softly, as St. Paul opined, when we're a fool for Christ. But in Islam we're reminded to be quiet in our faith. It's always seemed to me that the folks proclaiming their faith the loudest are the least sure of their faith.

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