Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What It Means - Day 352

"'And whosoever submits his face to God and is virtuous has indeed grasped the most unfailing handhold, and unto God is the end of all affairs.'"
Quran 31:22

And more from Luqman, as he continues to give advice to his son, as laid out in surah 31. As Nasr tells us in the commentary:

"Submitting one's face to God (cf. 2:112; 3:20; 4:125) implies submitting one's entire being to Him, as in Arabic the face if a metonym for one's existence. Virtuous renders muhsin, which indicates one who performs ihsan, that is virtue, or literally doing what is beautiful or what makes things beautiful. The manner in which being virtuous or doing what is beautiful is connected to submitting one's face, or essence, to God indicates that the full depth of islam - the reality of 'submission' - is attained by performing all actions with virtue and beauty."

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