Saturday, March 7, 2020

What It Means - Day 355

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that haply you may be reverent, for days numbered. But if any one of you be ill or on a journey, it is a number of other days, and for those who can bear it, the ransom of feeding an indigent person."
Quran 2:184

The other day I received my first Iftar invitation from some of my friends at the mosque. I happily replied yes, then, of course, facetiously added, "Wait, what, are we doing that again this year?" Yes, Ramadan is fast approaching. This will be, I believe my fifth Ramadan. I don't know if I'll ever look forward to it, although I look forward to the extra time with my brothers and sisters at the mosque but also the time that I devote to studying the Quran, adhadith and other related readings (although I guess I've already been doing that for a year straight). I do try to study every day, although certainly not in as structured a fashion as I have been for the last three-hundred fifty-five days straight. So, approaching this again, I guess I'll never truly look forward to the fasting, although, as I've commented previously, it's really not as bad as one might think.

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