Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Terror of the Indian Ocean

 One of the great joys of teaching is when ex-students go out of their way to look you up. It happens quite a bit with me, which I'm sure is more of a testament to the excellence of my students than of their teacher. Recently my friend Carolanne Kelly looked me up and suggested we grab some coffee. So, we met at Klinger's, which has become my coffeeshop of choice during the pandemic.  She took me a couple times in college, and I think I may be the only one who ever gave her anything below an A (and yet she forgave me). She's flourishing, and has even started volunteering at the Food Shelf, which I'll happily get to see her more in the future.

She was a member of the crew that went to India/Sri Lanka on one of our earliest trips. Carolanne was an absolute joy to travel with, and was one of those students who inspired everyone by her endless enthusiasm. We'd be sitting in the back of the bus chatting when she'd suddenly say, "I have a question!" and then run up to the front of the bus to quiz the guides. She's known as the Terror of the Indian Ocean for her crimes against it (recounted in a separate blog post).

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