Wednesday, December 2, 2020

251 Club

 So, what are you supposed to do during a pandemic that is safe and responsible? Obviously, you're options are limited.  However, if you live in Vermont you do have an option: the 251 Club. For some reason I didn't now this was a thing until recently. Apparently there are 251 official towns in Vermont, and for some time now there has been a club dedicated to visiting all of them. Now, what do you get if you visit every one of them? I think I told my son that in that case it empowers you to buy a stupid t-shirt. Still, it's a safe, if relatively geriatric, way to survive the Great Zombie Apocalypse. You drive around, hop out of your car for two minutes, and find some way to document your attendance. 

My friend Dannah and I began our quest, after joining the online 251 Club, by stopping for two minutes in Georgia, and capturing the event with the requisite selfie.

On the webpage you get to tick off your towns, which then show up a map of Vermont. I suspect this will be a several year quest. Eighteen towns down, two-hundred-thirty-three towns to go.

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